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Sunday, 29 June 2014

Katie's prom

Hello lovely internet people,

For all of you that follow Katie's, Emily's and my blog your going to get very similar posts. 
But I'll try put a boys opinion on it. 
Katie and I before prom

So lets start with the suit. Now I had a slight suit dilemma last weekend because the last time I wore my full suit I was 16 and I've lost weight since then and the trousers didn't fit and the jacket swamped me. So Katie came along for a shopping trip.  We chose a Red Herring Grey suit from Debenhams. The tie is from next as well as the shirt and belt, I think the belt is so cool because its reversible... Katie didn't find it as cool. And then my Shoes are from New Look. 

Me and Katie got a bit confused
So anyway I'm not really one for dressing up smart, I never feel comfortable and awkward but I'm getting better with it! We wen't to one of Katie's friends house before hand to do girly pictures. Which is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. 

Sim and I getting a bit silly 
The night then only got better. A little back story as most of you know we met at school so we share a lot of friends, for me it was really good to see them again and have a brief catch up with them all. From then on things got quite silly and yeah was such a good night, I'm glad Katie let me be her plus one :) 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week!

Sam :)

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page 

Monday, 23 June 2014

In summer!

Hello you lovely internet folk!
 really had no idea what to blog about today and then today happened, I went out with my family this afternoon and spent the day with my brother and his fiance and his best mate, this was one the best days I've had in ages! We spent the day lying around in the sun and watched some parachutist who are crazy! I don't mind heights but they were doing back flips and all sorts!!  And then to top it off we went and had a kick about it the park! Now I'm not into football but it was really good to just enjoy the summer evening and relax with some good friends.

I haven't got any pictures from the day because I'm useless and have broke my phone camera

I hope summer continues in this way and I hope yours has started off as nice as this too

Thanks for reading and have an amazing week

Sam :)

can follow me on Bloglovin if you like or you can even like my Facebook page!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Loosing my spark

Hello people of the internet. How are we all?

Well for me I'm feeling a little lost. Not literally I'm sitting on the M6 on my way home (I'm not driving).

Recently I've felt myself get bored with the things I love to do, like this blog and riding my bike. People that know me will know how easily I get bored with things, but I don't feel bored with these things I feel like I should be doing them I just don't know what to do with them. So ironically I'll write a blog post about struggling to write a blog post... are you keeping up?

After finishing the sportive a few weeks ago, I felt lost with my cycling. I haven't seen the point in riding, until I treated myself to new cycling shoes.

My thoughts on the blog are to find an identity. So I'm going go with the cycling and lifestyle route. This will start next week. Sorry for this been rambling again.

Thanks for reading :)


Sunday, 8 June 2014

The Little Things

This week has been slightly challenging in terms of stress levels, and it got me thinking of the things that have helped me through. 

The first thing was Katie doing this list of things she liked about me, you can see her blog post here (She might even have a new one up today. Now Katie and I aren't ones for over romantic. Were probably odd but it works for us, we have date nights and were looking at going away in the summer but we don't shower each other in romantic gestures, we just do little things for each other, like I'll stop off at her house to get 'water' which I think cheers us both up. But you'd have to ask Katie to see what she says. 

This is the list Katie made for me.
The next thing that made this week seem a bit better was I managed to hand a lot of college work in, which took a weight off my shoulders. And I think it gives you a confidence boost. Why not try and just focus on one bit of college or school work this week and get it handed in. 

This one needs some explaining, I came off my bike a couple days ago when I was out riding with a mate, basically my bike broke quite badly. For any one interested I bent the brake lever meaning changing gear was very hard. So it went off to the local bike shop, who I can't recommend enough, if you live in or around Coventry check these guys out for any biking needs. I'll leave their link HERE (it does help my bestmate Sim works there). Anyway I got the part fixed and refitted on my bike. That part isn't important when I was sitting a little bit dazed at the side of the road, a couple of cyclists stopped to offer help. I think this should be carried out in all aspeccts of life. it doesn't take long to see if anyone needs any help, a couple of times I have pulled over on my commute to help with a puncture or brake issues. I carry a mutli tool with me when I'm on my bike, where as some people don't. I just thought the cyclists that stopped to see if Sim and I were ok didn't need to but it did cheer me up slightly. 

Sorry if this blog is a bit rambling, finding it quite hard to write them at the minute. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam :) 

You can follow me on Bloglovin and even like my Facebook page HERE. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

A challenge completed

As you all know I've been training for a sportive (big charity bike event). Well at half 5 on Sunday morning I got up and set out for Stratford upon Avon racecourse with my brother. 
We started at 8am and we completed it in 4 hours and 11 minutes. 
I'm not going to write a long blog about it because I'm really tired and my legs are still recovering.  

The ride involved a 10 mile 1000ft climb, 40 miles in which I think may be the reason my legs ache so much.

And here we are afterwards. I can't feel my legs.
Before we set out for the 64 mile challenge

 It was a brilliant day, and to top it off Katie was there at the finish with recovery drinks. So to say thank you I gave a her a big sweaty hug! We then went out for a very nice meal at Pizza Express but I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture :P

I can't wait for my next cycling challenge :D 

Have an amazing week and thanks for reading 

Sam :)