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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Miserable weather and exercise

So as I said in my first post I'm really into my cycling. But that is made hard by the weather we've been having here in the UK. So I thought I'd share my 5 top tips for getting out in this weather.

1. Wrap up warm and be seen. Lots of thin, easy to remove layers are the best thing to do. And most importantly been seen make sure you have a bright colour on your top layer.

2. Know your body. If its blowing a 30mph wind outside and you've only just got into cycling. (Or if your experienced). You need to know when to say "actually I'll wait to see if it improves"

3. Turbo train. Lots of people rave about them, personally I find them boring, but will still use them when its really horrible outside. With brands like b'twin you can pick them with decent build quality, at a reasonable price.

4. Don't burn out. Make sure your just doing lots of little rides of the winter. If you've got a charity ride or race planned you really don't want to over do it and injury yourself before it.

5. Drink. Make sure your taking on water when you ride. I'm always forgetting to drink when I'm on the bike. So make sure you have a bottle cage on your bike.

That's been my top tips for getting through the winter months. And it doesn't just apply to cycling, it can apply to running or any other sport.


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