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Monday, 21 July 2014

Top 5 for Summer Exercise

Hello lovely internet folk, 

As we are all well aware its the summer and that means 1000s of people start to enjoy the outdoors! whether your doing your first charity ride of running with your friends I believe its important to be prepared. So here's my top tips on summer exercise: 

1. Hydrate

Doesn't matter if it's a 15 minute ride to meet your friends or a 100 mile sportive you need to keep hydrated as possible, it only costs £5 to fit a bottle cage and bottle for your bike. and only a couple of pounds to buy a bottle to run with. 

2. Protect yourself

I was out running a couple days ago and forgot sun cream, this was a big mistake!! My neck got burnt and I had the worst night sleep because of it. So always remember to put sun cream on, I've started to use Aptonia sport sun factor 50 because its sweat resistant and its fairly good price, you can only get it from Decathlon I think but there is one of them in most cities. 

3. Go out late

Nobody enjoys sweating out half their body weight, so why not make yourself a goal of going out at least once a week in the evening, for one reason you don't get any traffic and you can see the amazing sunsets were having at the moment. And you can always finish with a massive pub dinner because hey you've earn't it. 

4. Get people involved

I've written about Strava before but I really do think its a great app for getting a bit competitive with your friends. I'm hopefully doing to Wolf Run in November with a group of friends which means I've got to start running a lot more by having the group of friends on Strava it gives me the boost of confidence I need to go out and beat their PB up a climb or go run with them so we can compare data and learn from each other. So why not invite some friends to go for a run or bike ride? 

5. Have some fun and take pictures

This is probably the best advice, just have fun! if you fall over whilst running make sure you laugh about it! Stop and admire the view and take some pictures of that sun set, taking pictures will be a diary to how far you've come in terms of distances you ride and time you've spent with friends that may be moving away to uni soon so take advantage and take lot of pictures of your adventures this summer! 

Have fun with whatever adventures you getting upto this summer. I hope you enjoyed this blog. 

Don't forget you can follow me on my Bloglovin page and like my Facebook page

Sam x 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

The best summer

Hello lovely internet people,

It's that time of year where students and teachers alike break up for the summer. But like some of you I have to work which means my days are filled up with building,fixing and selling bikes, which I love doing!! On my days off I'm making an effort to do the things I love. I was inspired by ShayCarl and the Shaytards to have the best summer ever. 

So for example I had to work all weekend but I've got Monday off so I'm going out on the longest bike ride I can find.. Mainly because Katie is away so I can't go and see her. 

I know Katie has a surprise for me lined up and I'm in the process of planning on for her, but shhh. 

What I'm really trying to say is go out there and just enjoy yourself, jump in a river with your friends (if it's safe to do so). Sit in the garden and enjoy any sun we get. One of my all time favourite things to do is get my friends over and light a fire in the patio heater and just have a laugh.

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam :)

Monday, 7 July 2014

Tour Fever

Tour fever everywhere
in Yorkshire
Hello lovely Internet people!

This weekend I've been in the beautiful county on Yorkshire and all because of the greatest sporting carnival on the planet. THE TOUR DE FRANCE!! 

Going to the Tour de France is one of the best things I've done this year, its been a dream of mine to see it actually happen, ok so I'm not watching it in Paris on the final weekend but I still get to watch the the carnival happen. Can you tell I'm excited? So here are a few pictures taken over the weekend. 

The French police were there to help out.
Just me that thinks they look seriously cool?
Me, my dad and Brother rode the first 30 miles of the first stage of the tour which was amazing! As we passed through villages people were clapping and getting excited about what was going to happen in the next few hours. 
My brother and dad taking in the sights on the route

Arriving in Harrogate. 200m is the finish line.
(Sorry about bad picture I'd just got off the bike)

We then settled in the watch the stage on the big screen. 

After a long day of cycling activities
its only far to try 'tour de what?' Which brewed
By Theakstons.
I had a brilliant weekend in Yorkshire I hope you enjoy this blog post. If you did be sure to like my Bloglovin page..

Thanks for reading, Have an amazing week

Sam :)