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Sunday, 12 October 2014

A generation of change

Hello Internet, 

As I said last week I've found a direction for this blog and I'm going try and stick to that occasionally going back to the less serious and the bike stuff every so often. This blog will be a place for opinions and thoughts to be expressed and challenged. 

I was sat in a talk the other day about how different generations have changed rapidly. It got me thinking that actually it isn't a generational change its a age change, Katie's youngest cousin can probably utilise an I-pad better than me. What does this mean then? That we will be alienated by technology like generations before us? No I don't think so, yes we may not be as fast with future tech whatever that means, but were thepopulation familiar with the steam engine or electricty when the Victorians brought it out? No they were as amazed as we are when a new iPhone comes out or when a car can park itself. 

The power of our social media, and I say our because we own it without the public the servers would be dead and it wouldn't exsist, anyway I'm rambling. Look at Hong Kong and the protests there, the government couldn't control the population because they were using there phones to organise themselves, so what do the government do? They shut down the internet out a tight lock on it? Why because they don't understand how to use it properly it scared them! And trust be told I'm scared if the power of internet. There are people in YouTube that have millions of subscribers if one of those celebrities came out with some ideologies then it could seriously impact power. When in this talk I brought up the opinion that the internet is a lawless society because it is.. How many people do you know that been caught downloading music? People commit internet fraud all of the time.. But the worst one is cyber bullying yes the person can be caught and punished but it's the principle of hiding before your 15 inche HD screen. I'm not suggesting that there is strict laws to be placed on the internet like China, but I am saying we as a society should seriously respect the power that's in our pockets. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week :) 

Sam x 

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