Hello lovely people of the Internet :)
This weeks blog could probably be classed as a rant but I just wanted to explore this thing we call the Internet. I don't know if any of you heard about the virus that spread around the Internet this week but it got me thinking about the websites and apps I use regularly. So here is this weeks blog I hope you enjoy...
The Internet its been around for a few years but for a while it has always been for 'young people' to be part of, now older generations are beginning to come round to the idea that billions of people are using the Internet to communicate with each other and start these tiny communities.
I always joke with my parents that Facebook is for old people, but it sort of is it is the most simple social network to use. You search for friends and things you like and then you spend hours scrolling through being nosey, its like when your mum or dad would pick you up from primary school they would all gossip about what had happened that day. That is what Facebook is, its a site to be nosey.
Then there is twitter, which doesn't actually know what it wants to be, personally I love twitter I spend hours and hours scrolling through my feed. I just find the novelty of saying whats on your mind in a 140 characters is brilliant and it cuts down on stupid 4 page status updates about how someone had a lovely meal out. But my main love with twitter is how easy it is but still people don't bombard you with things, it's ok to tweet 3 times in 5 minutes because of how small the tweets are and its a brilliant way to keep in touch with whats happening in the world. I used to work away a lot last year and spend hours away from a radio or TV so twitter was my only real link to the outside world.
Blogger and Bloglovin are two sites I'm relatively new too, but I'm getting my head around them and your probably using one of the two right now. I think blogs are one of the best things on the internet (apart from funny animal videos on Youtube.) Blogging is just an online journal really ok so its probably not as in depth as a journal, that all depends on how detailed the blog is I suppose. But I like the fact on a Sunday afternoon after I've been out training I come back and write my thoughts of that fay or week down, then you guys can read them.
What Strava looks like |
Now what would a blog by me be without a link to cycling. Strava is my favourite app and community online. Its for cyclists and runners... well anyone that does exercise and want to track what speed and route they do. Its brilliant I never meet anyone that is on Strava in my local area and yet we 'compete' with each other on the various hills and long straights in my local area. On Wednesday night my brother and I went on a training ride and I set the 4th fastest time up a local climb, which made me feel so good!! The best bit is I can go anywhere in the world and Strava will record my ride, yes it can drain your battery but if your only out riding you don't need your phone for anything else. Its that competitive aspect though, the first thing I do when I get off the bike is compare my stats against whoever I ride with.
I just think the Internet has so many platforms and communities of like minded people. It gives everyone a place to meet and talk about their hobbies or just to keep up with friends. In my opinion the Internet is the best invention ever!!
What are you favourite apps and social media?
Thanks for reading, have an amazing week!
Sam :)
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