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Thursday, 20 November 2014

Live music, Real stories

Hello Lovely internet folk, 

So again I find myself blog-less, well for past two weeks I have anyway. but you lucky lot will have two by the end of the week. 

I recently went to see one of my favorite sing a song writers Martyn Joseph, if you haven't heard of him then youtube, spotify, itunes. His music spans 32 year career, but don't let that put you off he is very much in the now and extremely good. The reason I like his music so much is because it really speaks to the male mind, which leads to the title of this blog. The songs I was listening to last night were really stories, stories of love; stories of pain and stories of war. Honestly I erge you to go and see Martyn at a gig it will change your perspective on a lot of things. 

I hope you enjoyed this new style blog, 

Thank you for reading, have an amazing week :) 

Sam x

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Just getting it out there

Hello lovely internet people,

My apologies for not blogging for a while, I've been in Leeds and Manchester, just felt like I haven't stopped!! But now I have a spare half an hour I'll write some thoughts that have been on my mind. 

Now to blog or not to blog, I know I have a small audience that read some of my blogs and that's great but does it really effect your lives or are you making it part of your weekly routine? I highly doubt it. And rather selfishly I will admit that this has been playing in my mind, honestly I have about 10 blogs written and ready to go but I just don't know if there interesting. 

I'm the same with college work I finish assignments and then I'm terrified there boring and will fail, I will wait for the deadline so I don't melt down waiting with worry. 

So what do I do about this? Honestly I have no idea 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week:) 

Sam x

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

I went to see Katie!

Hello lovely interment people! 

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, I've been on holiday and didn't really have anything interesting to write about. But this weekend I have spent with Katie, who if you don't know is my girlfriend who is studying in Leeds. Nearly two months has past since I last saw her so it was actually quite weird too see each other. Well I found anyway. But once I saw her I was instantly happy! It's hard not seeing your bestfriend. 

The weekend involved lots of fun! We went out on the Friday night and I think you'll agree Katie did an amazing job on the face paint! 

Saturday night was date night! If you don't do date night with your girlfriend or boyfriend why not? It's so much fun to get dressed up and go to a nice restraunt. We went to zizzi's which was really nice and I'd recommend it, just be patient because service was a bit slow..

The weekend ended with a quick bite to eat at browns, which is a brilliant bar/restraunt in Leeds I had a really nice feasar salad and a pint of cider. 

It's just a shame we had to say goodbye.. But hey things aren't easy to have the things you really want:) 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week. 

Sam x 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

A generation of change

Hello Internet, 

As I said last week I've found a direction for this blog and I'm going try and stick to that occasionally going back to the less serious and the bike stuff every so often. This blog will be a place for opinions and thoughts to be expressed and challenged. 

I was sat in a talk the other day about how different generations have changed rapidly. It got me thinking that actually it isn't a generational change its a age change, Katie's youngest cousin can probably utilise an I-pad better than me. What does this mean then? That we will be alienated by technology like generations before us? No I don't think so, yes we may not be as fast with future tech whatever that means, but were thepopulation familiar with the steam engine or electricty when the Victorians brought it out? No they were as amazed as we are when a new iPhone comes out or when a car can park itself. 

The power of our social media, and I say our because we own it without the public the servers would be dead and it wouldn't exsist, anyway I'm rambling. Look at Hong Kong and the protests there, the government couldn't control the population because they were using there phones to organise themselves, so what do the government do? They shut down the internet out a tight lock on it? Why because they don't understand how to use it properly it scared them! And trust be told I'm scared if the power of internet. There are people in YouTube that have millions of subscribers if one of those celebrities came out with some ideologies then it could seriously impact power. When in this talk I brought up the opinion that the internet is a lawless society because it is.. How many people do you know that been caught downloading music? People commit internet fraud all of the time.. But the worst one is cyber bullying yes the person can be caught and punished but it's the principle of hiding before your 15 inche HD screen. I'm not suggesting that there is strict laws to be placed on the internet like China, but I am saying we as a society should seriously respect the power that's in our pockets. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week :) 

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Am I a feminist?

Hello internet, 

You should all realise this blog is a place where I can express my thoughts and feelings. 

So as you can guess from the title I'm going to explore gender equality a bit. Now I'm not going to be light hearted about this because it's not a light hearted subject. Now I come from a white middle class background, I can't help that blame the parents. But that doesn't make me stuck in my ways, I'm always open to new things and new ideas. Some you may know I want to study sociology and politics for that very reason. 

Recently there has been a lot of stigma towards women online, what with the apple cloud hack. Which both scared me and got me thinking, we as a culture enjoy sex. We do there's not a day goes by without two famous people in a sex scene on our TVs. Or certain tablid magazines proclaiming the latest sex scandal. It scared me because non of us are really safe from the internet, the richest women in Hollywood have been exposed. Now hmm do I feel sorry for these actresses? Yes I do it's a horrible thing and those pictures were meant to be private and between two people that trusted each other but then the other side of me says why did they take them? They knew the risk of them getting leaked... And then I realised that they were convinced by a man, a man who hasn't been named and shamed like these poor women. So I asked myself this question am I a feminist? Or more am I allowed to be a feminist? 

I studied GCSE history I know about the suffragettes and sufferegists, the awareness they raised is outstanding. Without there commitment we wouldn't be anywhere near gender equality today. I watched Emma Watsons speech about heforshe and I 100% agree with what she said. And I realised I'm not a feminist or a feminist allie, what I am is a equalitist (made up word I think). I believe we should all be equal, I'm an 18 year old male and I take care of myself. I pluck my eyebrows so I don't look like I have a mono brow, I moisturise my hands and arms because they get dry, I shave my face and I shower with flowery smelling body washes. I've even been known to exfoliate. Does this make me lesser a man? No it makes me comfertable. Trust me I can be aggressive competive arrogant idiot if I wish to be, however I tried it and I hated myself for it. I wish we had a society where the highest death rate for males wasn't suicide. However I can see why those statitics exsist, I'm greeted with comments on the way I have my hair or the clothes I wear from females.. But if that judgmental back I would be sexist. That's not a equal world. For equality to work everyone should be equal. Haha when you write it it sounds so simple. 

There is one thing though... Feminists aren't a bunch of scary women burning bras and chaining themselves to fences, they are mothers and entrepreneurs. There your neighbours, husbands, sons, police women. Notice I included men in there because like me there is men out there that believe the same as me, everyone should be equal. Now I'm straight, I like women. But not just as an image on a computer screen, I like women for conversation and fun and to work with. Yeah I like boobs who doesn't? But saying that isn't sexist it's realist, men and women are attracted to each other it's a fact of life. 

This probably won't make sense and is a definite ramble of thoughts so I'll link a YouTube video by Jack Howard below who explains it a lot better than I ever could.

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Monday, 29 September 2014

The cycle show

Hello wonderful internet people, 

I was lucky enough to get a free ticket to the bike show through work, so a friend and I went to see all the amazing new tech that's out there and just look at all of the gorgoues bikes, I won't bore you with details instead I'll just put in all the pictures I took from the day. And maybe there will be a blog about building a dream bike in few months time... 

Bradley Wiggins world championship bike
If your going to build a bike make titanium 
Nothing looks as good as Italian design 
Very exciting. The first full carbon bike from genesis.

Full adjustable carbon stem from look which is a brilliant design feature, hoping that trickles down to the high street soon. 

The essentials for any cyclist 

For me kinesis really stood out and there race light bike will definitely be a future investment. 

Loved the old school vibe to this colnago!!

Thanks for looking through this weeks blog. Have an amazing week

Sam x 

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Long Sunday afternoon

Hello lovely internet, 

A few years ago I was in a very different place in life and I was clawring for nothing that would give me a sense of happiness ( you can probably guess the illness I suffer from). Anyway I discovered Blood Brothers the musical the sorry is brilliant and gripping, I've seen the show 5 times and every time I'm hooked from start to finish! We'll get back to this point later.

So this week everyone went off to uni, including Katie. As you all know Katie is my beautiful girlfriend who doubles up as my best friend too:) it's only been two days so it's a bit weird still but I can definitely say I miss her so much! 

Then my best mate Ben left aswell, he's a lad that will always be part of the family. Y'know the sort friend that doesn't need to knock to come in and they just empty out the cupboards for good? Yeah that's Ben or as my mother calls him the favourite son. 

Going back to my original point, there's a song in Blood Brothers called Sunday afternoon, which is about one the main characters feeling lonely because all his friends have moved away or not coming out. That's what it feels like at the moment for me. Feel like I'm 10 again and wanting people to come play out abs no ones around. 

Thanks for reading. Have an amazing week

Sam x

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blogs and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Just putting it out there

Hello lovely internet folk, 

This is going to one of those posts that has no pictures, but I've been thinking and well... We live in a right scary world don't we?

I mean if its not ISIS competing to be as vicious as the Nazi part in 1940s Germany we have America and Russia threatening to go to war.
Why can't the people in power realise that the mass majority of people want peace, its not hard. Sit down and talk like humans not like politicians. I'm sorry I've managed to hide my political views up to now, but this whole beheading of westerns really got to me. For centuries people have never got on its a fact that not everyone will get on, but do we really need to bring average people in on the global arguments between super powers?

Ok if your not following my drift, imagine having an argument with a friend at school and after the argument you go up to other kids you've never spoke to and then get them to comment on the argument, its stupid right? You just fall out with your friend until one of you decides to say sorry. 

So why can't important people in power do the same? Agree to disagree and move on. Don't start killing each other! 

Thank you for reading my rant 

I hope you have an amazing week 

Sam x 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Things I've learnt

Hello lovely internet people, 

This week I had a huge woke up call, now I won't go into details about what happened but Katie and I fell out a little bit. We both realised that we had got to comfortable and were taking each other for granted, which after nearly 4 years is understandable. However it's not fair, so we sat down and had a huge talk which meant I had to get out of my comfort zone.. I'm not perfect so I had to listen to some hard things but it's definitely made things easier for us. 

One thing I really struggle with is saying how I feel, Katie is amazingly patient with me but sometimes even she snaps and I have to be honest and say how I'm feeling, why I'm blogging about this I don't know. Perhaps you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are struggling and this might help. Just sit down and talk everything out if that person really matters they will take on board what's being said and start to make changes. 

As you all know I have a slight addiction to cycling which doesn't really help a relationship. Disappearing for 4 hours on the bike makes having a conversation hard, what I'm saying is I don't have to stop riding. Maybe I could ride in the mornings that way Katie and I can spend the afternoon together having a picnic or go see a film. 

With Katie going off to university in a week or so this is going to be really important, we've decided that we will make the most of the time we have together because we're both studying and no one needs a grumpy stressed partner after you travel to see them. 

I'd your having trouble in a relationship step out your comfort zone and be honest with each other. And then go get cocktails it's brilliant fun... Although I'm still confused why Katie's had cream in it :p 
I hope you enjoyed this blog, sorry was bit serious. Have an amazing week!!

Sam x

Remember you can you can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blog posts and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Greenbelt festival

Hello lovely internet people,

For the last 6 years every August bank holiday I have gone to a festival called Greenbelt, it's a music and arts festival with a Christian ethos.. Now I was brought up in a fairly religious family but over recent years I've turned my back on the church because well it started to annoy me. However Greenbelt restores my faith in humanity. Instead writing a huge blog post I'm just going to put in all the pictures from the weekend. I hope you enjoy:


I drank some tasty cider, enjoyed some fantastic music; listened to inspirational talks and spent with some like minded people. I came home with a new perspective.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, thanks for reading 

Sam x 

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you would like to keep up to date with my blogs and you can also like my Facebook page. 

Monday, 18 August 2014

A change I've made

Hello lovely internet folk, 

I had a brain wave this week and decided to do something new, so I brought a pen and a leather journal. It's not to write a diary or anything like that, it's going to simply be to write down funny things that happen during the day and maybe start writing a book. But I don't know about that yet. 

I just think it's a really good idea to carry some paper around with you and write down the good thoughts you have and sometimes the bad things. I know when I feel like there's a dark cloud over my head just writing the crappy things down just helps. 

Thanks for reading this weeks post, sorry it's a bit random and short I'm really busy with work at the moment. 
Have an amazing week :D 

Sam x

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

A few words

Hello lovely internet people, 

I didn't actually want to blog this week, I just didn't feel like I had any decent content to put out there. But then I heard the sad news about Robin Williams who if you don't know was a comic genius and a fantastically talented actors. 

It's said he committed suicide after struggling with depression. This got me thinking, I've not spoken about mental illness on this blog but it's surrounded my upbringing and have suffered with depression over the years. 

I felt that I needed to let out the feelings this has created. Now I'm no expert on the subject but if you've stumbled across my blog at a time where you feel your low and no matter what anyone says or does you can't shift that feeling please talk to someone, your GP, parent, best friend or partner. One thing I have learnt over the years is not for one second are we alone in this world. If you don't feel you can talk to anyone there are charities like Samaritans which I have reached out to a couple of times. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam x

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Thinking forward

Hello lovely internet people,

After a week that can only be described as shit. I decided to start thinking forward to what is going to come. Believe me I know how hard it is to be positive, but sometimes you've just got to do it. 

My dad has an old car that sits on the drive and is waiting to be restored and put back on the road. Now in my family this is a running joke, about how things take years to get done. But I think that you have to wait for the right moment to do them, people don't just climb Everest they train for months. 

What I'm saying is try and look towards the future a bit more, set yourself an achievable goal and achieve it. Don't wait around for someone else to tell you it can't be done. My goal is to travel to at least 1 country in the next 12 months.

Thanks for reading have a great week 

Sam x

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page 

Thinking forward

Hello lovely internet people,

After a week that can only be described as shit. I decided to start thinking forward to what is going to come. Believe me I know how hard it is to be positive, but sometimes you've just got to do it. 

My dad has an old car that sits on the drive and is waiting to be restored and put back on the road. Now in my family this is a running joke, about how things take years to get done. But I think that you have to wait for the right moment to do them, people don't just climb Everest they train for months. 

What I'm saying is try and look towards the future a bit more, set yourself an achievable goal and achieve it. Don't wait around for someone else to tell you it can't be done. My goal is to travel to at least 1 country in the next 12 months.

Thanks for reading have a great week 

Sam x

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page 

Monday, 21 July 2014

Top 5 for Summer Exercise

Hello lovely internet folk, 

As we are all well aware its the summer and that means 1000s of people start to enjoy the outdoors! whether your doing your first charity ride of running with your friends I believe its important to be prepared. So here's my top tips on summer exercise: 

1. Hydrate

Doesn't matter if it's a 15 minute ride to meet your friends or a 100 mile sportive you need to keep hydrated as possible, it only costs £5 to fit a bottle cage and bottle for your bike. and only a couple of pounds to buy a bottle to run with. 

2. Protect yourself

I was out running a couple days ago and forgot sun cream, this was a big mistake!! My neck got burnt and I had the worst night sleep because of it. So always remember to put sun cream on, I've started to use Aptonia sport sun factor 50 because its sweat resistant and its fairly good price, you can only get it from Decathlon I think but there is one of them in most cities. 

3. Go out late

Nobody enjoys sweating out half their body weight, so why not make yourself a goal of going out at least once a week in the evening, for one reason you don't get any traffic and you can see the amazing sunsets were having at the moment. And you can always finish with a massive pub dinner because hey you've earn't it. 

4. Get people involved

I've written about Strava before but I really do think its a great app for getting a bit competitive with your friends. I'm hopefully doing to Wolf Run in November with a group of friends which means I've got to start running a lot more by having the group of friends on Strava it gives me the boost of confidence I need to go out and beat their PB up a climb or go run with them so we can compare data and learn from each other. So why not invite some friends to go for a run or bike ride? 

5. Have some fun and take pictures

This is probably the best advice, just have fun! if you fall over whilst running make sure you laugh about it! Stop and admire the view and take some pictures of that sun set, taking pictures will be a diary to how far you've come in terms of distances you ride and time you've spent with friends that may be moving away to uni soon so take advantage and take lot of pictures of your adventures this summer! 

Have fun with whatever adventures you getting upto this summer. I hope you enjoyed this blog. 

Don't forget you can follow me on my Bloglovin page and like my Facebook page

Sam x 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

The best summer

Hello lovely internet people,

It's that time of year where students and teachers alike break up for the summer. But like some of you I have to work which means my days are filled up with building,fixing and selling bikes, which I love doing!! On my days off I'm making an effort to do the things I love. I was inspired by ShayCarl and the Shaytards to have the best summer ever. 

So for example I had to work all weekend but I've got Monday off so I'm going out on the longest bike ride I can find.. Mainly because Katie is away so I can't go and see her. 

I know Katie has a surprise for me lined up and I'm in the process of planning on for her, but shhh. 

What I'm really trying to say is go out there and just enjoy yourself, jump in a river with your friends (if it's safe to do so). Sit in the garden and enjoy any sun we get. One of my all time favourite things to do is get my friends over and light a fire in the patio heater and just have a laugh.

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam :)

Monday, 7 July 2014

Tour Fever

Tour fever everywhere
in Yorkshire
Hello lovely Internet people!

This weekend I've been in the beautiful county on Yorkshire and all because of the greatest sporting carnival on the planet. THE TOUR DE FRANCE!! 

Going to the Tour de France is one of the best things I've done this year, its been a dream of mine to see it actually happen, ok so I'm not watching it in Paris on the final weekend but I still get to watch the the carnival happen. Can you tell I'm excited? So here are a few pictures taken over the weekend. 

The French police were there to help out.
Just me that thinks they look seriously cool?
Me, my dad and Brother rode the first 30 miles of the first stage of the tour which was amazing! As we passed through villages people were clapping and getting excited about what was going to happen in the next few hours. 
My brother and dad taking in the sights on the route

Arriving in Harrogate. 200m is the finish line.
(Sorry about bad picture I'd just got off the bike)

We then settled in the watch the stage on the big screen. 

After a long day of cycling activities
its only far to try 'tour de what?' Which brewed
By Theakstons.
I had a brilliant weekend in Yorkshire I hope you enjoy this blog post. If you did be sure to like my Bloglovin page..

Thanks for reading, Have an amazing week

Sam :) 

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Katie's prom

Hello lovely internet people,

For all of you that follow Katie's, Emily's and my blog your going to get very similar posts. 
But I'll try put a boys opinion on it. 
Katie and I before prom

So lets start with the suit. Now I had a slight suit dilemma last weekend because the last time I wore my full suit I was 16 and I've lost weight since then and the trousers didn't fit and the jacket swamped me. So Katie came along for a shopping trip.  We chose a Red Herring Grey suit from Debenhams. The tie is from next as well as the shirt and belt, I think the belt is so cool because its reversible... Katie didn't find it as cool. And then my Shoes are from New Look. 

Me and Katie got a bit confused
So anyway I'm not really one for dressing up smart, I never feel comfortable and awkward but I'm getting better with it! We wen't to one of Katie's friends house before hand to do girly pictures. Which is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. 

Sim and I getting a bit silly 
The night then only got better. A little back story as most of you know we met at school so we share a lot of friends, for me it was really good to see them again and have a brief catch up with them all. From then on things got quite silly and yeah was such a good night, I'm glad Katie let me be her plus one :) 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week!

Sam :)

You can follow me on Bloglovin if you like and like my Facebook page 

Monday, 23 June 2014

In summer!

Hello you lovely internet folk!
 really had no idea what to blog about today and then today happened, I went out with my family this afternoon and spent the day with my brother and his fiance and his best mate, this was one the best days I've had in ages! We spent the day lying around in the sun and watched some parachutist who are crazy! I don't mind heights but they were doing back flips and all sorts!!  And then to top it off we went and had a kick about it the park! Now I'm not into football but it was really good to just enjoy the summer evening and relax with some good friends.

I haven't got any pictures from the day because I'm useless and have broke my phone camera

I hope summer continues in this way and I hope yours has started off as nice as this too

Thanks for reading and have an amazing week

Sam :)

can follow me on Bloglovin if you like or you can even like my Facebook page!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Loosing my spark

Hello people of the internet. How are we all?

Well for me I'm feeling a little lost. Not literally I'm sitting on the M6 on my way home (I'm not driving).

Recently I've felt myself get bored with the things I love to do, like this blog and riding my bike. People that know me will know how easily I get bored with things, but I don't feel bored with these things I feel like I should be doing them I just don't know what to do with them. So ironically I'll write a blog post about struggling to write a blog post... are you keeping up?

After finishing the sportive a few weeks ago, I felt lost with my cycling. I haven't seen the point in riding, until I treated myself to new cycling shoes.

My thoughts on the blog are to find an identity. So I'm going go with the cycling and lifestyle route. This will start next week. Sorry for this been rambling again.

Thanks for reading :)


Sunday, 8 June 2014

The Little Things

This week has been slightly challenging in terms of stress levels, and it got me thinking of the things that have helped me through. 

The first thing was Katie doing this list of things she liked about me, you can see her blog post here (She might even have a new one up today. Now Katie and I aren't ones for over romantic. Were probably odd but it works for us, we have date nights and were looking at going away in the summer but we don't shower each other in romantic gestures, we just do little things for each other, like I'll stop off at her house to get 'water' which I think cheers us both up. But you'd have to ask Katie to see what she says. 

This is the list Katie made for me.
The next thing that made this week seem a bit better was I managed to hand a lot of college work in, which took a weight off my shoulders. And I think it gives you a confidence boost. Why not try and just focus on one bit of college or school work this week and get it handed in. 

This one needs some explaining, I came off my bike a couple days ago when I was out riding with a mate, basically my bike broke quite badly. For any one interested I bent the brake lever meaning changing gear was very hard. So it went off to the local bike shop, who I can't recommend enough, if you live in or around Coventry check these guys out for any biking needs. I'll leave their link HERE (it does help my bestmate Sim works there). Anyway I got the part fixed and refitted on my bike. That part isn't important when I was sitting a little bit dazed at the side of the road, a couple of cyclists stopped to offer help. I think this should be carried out in all aspeccts of life. it doesn't take long to see if anyone needs any help, a couple of times I have pulled over on my commute to help with a puncture or brake issues. I carry a mutli tool with me when I'm on my bike, where as some people don't. I just thought the cyclists that stopped to see if Sim and I were ok didn't need to but it did cheer me up slightly. 

Sorry if this blog is a bit rambling, finding it quite hard to write them at the minute. 

Thanks for reading, have an amazing week

Sam :) 

You can follow me on Bloglovin and even like my Facebook page HERE. 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

A challenge completed

As you all know I've been training for a sportive (big charity bike event). Well at half 5 on Sunday morning I got up and set out for Stratford upon Avon racecourse with my brother. 
We started at 8am and we completed it in 4 hours and 11 minutes. 
I'm not going to write a long blog about it because I'm really tired and my legs are still recovering.  

The ride involved a 10 mile 1000ft climb, 40 miles in which I think may be the reason my legs ache so much.

And here we are afterwards. I can't feel my legs.
Before we set out for the 64 mile challenge

 It was a brilliant day, and to top it off Katie was there at the finish with recovery drinks. So to say thank you I gave a her a big sweaty hug! We then went out for a very nice meal at Pizza Express but I was so hungry I forgot to take a picture :P

I can't wait for my next cycling challenge :D 

Have an amazing week and thanks for reading 

Sam :) 

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Have you met Katie?

Katie and I don't hide our relationship from the interweb, but equally we don't constantly post on each others facebooks or tweet each other. Katie text me the other night (whilst half asleep) saying she wanted to do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag. So here I am on my Sunday afternoon writing this post. 

  1. Where did you first meet?
If you want to get all technical Katie and I met when we were toddlers at swimming ;)  But 
we properly met when I was in a school play. The only reason she was there was because GCSE drama groups had to write an essay on the play, which was Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. This has since become one of my favorite pieces of theatre for more reasons than just the script. So I was on stage on and off through out the show and I have noticed this girl sitting in the 3rd row looking at me, and smiling... not great when trying to remember the most important monologue of the whole thing. From there apparently Katie needed 'help' with the essay. This help over facebook and MSN turned into talking to each other at school. 

     2. What was the first thing you noticed about them?
I first noticed Katie's smile and brown leather jacket. Yes I still tell you what she was wearing that night... is that weird? 

    3. How long have you been together?

It was cold at the top hence the many many layers 
We've been together 3 years. 

    4. What's your favorite memory together? 

I don't know if Katie's will be this but, mine is standing at the top of Snowdon in Wales. We had climbed it for the charity Teenage Cancer Trust as part of Katie's youth group. And just being there looking out over Snowdonia was something special to me. 

    5. What is the last date you went on?

We met up after Katie finished Sixth form on Friday, because we needed to catch up and then we went to get something to eat. We went to my favourite little restaurant in Coventry called 'Playwrights'

    6. What has been the funniest thing this boyfriend/girlfriend ever done?

I can't actually pick a thing because Katie has the ability to just say something that is hilarious and not realise she has been funny. 

    7. What is the nicest thing they have ever done for you? 

Again I can't answer this with one occasion. Katie is just genuinely has a really nice personality and does little things like buys me an advent calender, but today she was so helpful with helping me understand some course work that was confusing me. 

    8. What is the thing you find most attractive about them?

I love Katie's smile, it cheers me up on the worst days. Oww and Katie has a very nice bottom... I'm sorry for lowering the tone :P 

   9. If you could change one thing about them what would it be?

Jeezzz this questions is a bit deep haha. Erm I think it would be Katie doesn't switch off very easily, but its also a quality I have learnt to understand... 

   10. What is the thing you are most looking forward to as a couple? 

Plain and simple everything, I know Katie will have something specific but there is so much out there for us to do that I can't pin point anything. We are looking at going away in the summer which will be really fun!! 

I just want to say this, me and Katie argue because having a relationship and balancing A levels and college and not murdering each other is hard. But when you slow down and do something like this and remember the times when you weren't rushing after deadlines and revising for exams. It makes everything worth it!! So if your reading this and thinking me and my girlfriend/boyfriend are arguing and it doesn't feel right at the moment, text them and say lets go out for a coffee or have a date night and turn phones off and pick your favourite film and pig out together. You won't regret it :) 

I love you Katie :) 

So that's my questions answered, I hope I'm not going to be in trouble ;)  Be sure to go and read what Katie said about me here!!

Like my Facebook page and you can follow me on Bloglovin! 

Have an amazing week, thanks for reading 

Sam :) 

Sunday, 11 May 2014

TV and Film of the month

Hello one and all,

I think I've done one blog about films which is embarrassing for someone that enjoys watching so much of it. 

This week I just wanted to talk about the films and TV I've got into the past month.

First things first I know I'm a bit late, but American Hustle how good is this film? I know it was in the cinema but I'm poor student that can't afford the cinema so I wait till it comes onto BT vision because my parents pay for it... I was watching it Tuesday night and the acting in it is just fantastic, it feels like its a low budget film but made really well but then you realise it has Christian Bale and Jennifer Lawerence in and your gripped to every scene. 

Next is Torchwood, again this is going back a bit but I was to young to watch it when it first came out and then it popped up on BT vision so I started watching. I have to admit I am a bit of a Doctor Who geek and Torchwood matches it if not betters it, I'm a person that likes proper thrillers with a bit of violence and a decent story line and what with Doctor Who being on a Saturday Night it lacks those things sometimes. I think I may have to watch all the series now. 

*picture from
One that's actually on telly at the moment is Fargo, now I'm still not decided if I like it or not but that doesn't stop me from being gripped! I have always thought Martin Freeman was a great actor but he really does make the story lines stronger. 

Last but no means least is Viral Tap, if you haven't heard of it where have you been? To give you a brief outline, its You've Been Framed but a bit ruder and a lot more funny. Youtubes Jim Chapman is a regular on the show, which is why I started to watch it but I find Matt Richardson hilarious.

So that's what I'm watching at the moment, If you fancy it Fargo is on Channel 4 at 9pm tonight and Viral Tap is on at 10pm on itv2. Check them out they are really good.

If you fancy it you can LIKE my Facebook Page and FOLLOW my Bloglovin page.

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a really good week.

Sam :)  

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Achey legs but smiles on faces

Hello one and all,
I've mentioned before that I'm taking part in my first sportive (big cycling event), this was quite a big challenge for me because I never really commit to anything, as your reading this I have 3 weeks to go until the day.

At the moment I'm finding it really hard to stick with it and go out and train, don't get me wrong I still love cycling! But as training for the event picks up I just find myself to have achey legs and feeling really down that I don't seem to be improving. Then I look at the cyclist fighting cancer website, which is the charity that are organising the event. I read the stories of the people that aren't much younger than me, that are suffering or are recovering from cancer treatments those stories really put 100km into perspective. 

Now I'm not saying I'm some sort of hero because 1000s of people raise money for charity every day,  but it will be an achievement and  hopefully if I cross the finish line on the 25th I will have achey legs but a huge smile on my face because I know I will have made a difference to other peoples lives
I hope this blog wasn't to preachy,  I'll link the charities page here, because they can explain what they do a lot better than I can.

Follow me on bloglovin and you can like my Facebook page !!!

Thanks for reading have an amazing week 

Sam :)